I believe in tithing time, energy, and talents, as well as finances. We get what we give! This is why I have a handful of groups that hold a special place in my heart, and within the limits of my ability, I give back where and when I can. I offer a few steep discounts annually to the groups listed below, as well as my ongoing emotional support to those who serve. As the founder and CEO of P4 Power Coaching™ it is my privilege and honor to pass on blessings from what I receive.

P4 Power   Passion Projects


 Passion Projects

My passion for law enforcement, emergency services workers, death investigators, and those who work on the front lines of tough government jobs (you know I don’t mean the D.C. crowd) comes from getting to know these communities. After I started being asked to speak and train at their conferences, strategic retreats, and agencies, these folks stole my heart.

Most who choose to work in these fields are dedicated to selfless acts and sacrificial giving. I hope my work encourages and inspires those who are dedicated to doing the right thing for the higher good day after day. Let me say once again: “You are making a difference. You are appreciated!”

Law Enforcement, Emergency Services, Death Investigators, Front-Line Government Agencies and Workers

Having worked in this field for several years and understanding the uniqueness of feast or famine customer traffic and income, I am passionate about offering emotional and practical support to outfitter businesses. I understand what it’s like to work in a “fun industry” when you are having a hard time keeping your own morale up, as well as your team’s, because you are flat drained!

But there are coping skills, work arounds, process hacks, practical solutions, and more that can put that smile back on your face. What you offer helps improve people’s physical and mental wellbeing, and we need you to continue making the world a healthier and happier place!

Recreational Outfitting Groups

P4 Power Coaching™ offers training and program resources designed to instill leadership, promote clearer communication, reduce conflict, and encourage the struggling when they feel overwhelmed. The P4 Personality Perspective™ has shown especially helpful for all these groups.

To me, foster kids and single parents are the orphans and widows of the 21st century. While our social services system, though broken, is trying to do what it can to assist, more can and should be done. If we offer education over handouts, we can help raise people up from their circumstances for the rest of their lifetimes. Not only will they benefit, but so will those of us around them. And who knows how many wasted tax dollars would be protected in the process?

Instead of complaining about the problem, the team members of P4 Power Coaching™ are dedicated to offering solutions. Like throwing washed up starfish back in the ocean, for every person we touch, we can say, “We helped that one breathe again.”

Foster Kids, Social Services, & Single Parents