Beginning immediately, for EVERY new business coaching client you refer that P4 Power Coaching™ closes a scope on, Anita will give you $1,000 in coaching credit. Three closed coaching scopes born from your referrals means $3,000 in coaching credits.
In addition, for EVERY new conference, retreat, or convention keynote speaking engagement you refer Anita for that she signs a contract on, you will get $1,000 in coaching credit. Two new referred/closed speaking gigs equals $2,000 in coaching credits for you.
AND, she's offering these opportunities with NO LIMITS!
If you refer and we close on three new business coaching clients and recommend Anita for two association or industry conferences that she gets the contracts for, you will get $5,000 worth of coaching FREE! If you already receive a discount for from us, you will get that discount PLUS the referral credit(s).